Monday, March 31, 2014

Music School March 2014/ Week of Prayer April 2014

Second year students song- writing
We praise God that we have just completed our third church music school at St. John's University of Tanzania which took place from 9-27 March 2014. As usual it was a huge success.

Teacher, Evangelist Musa Njagamba

The school aims to teach practical music skills and also aspects of music ministry and how these skills and gifts can be used to glorify God and to encourage and build up local churches as worshipping communities.

Teacher Meraby Kaimukilwa
This year students attended from 17 of the 27 dioceses of the Anglican Church of Tanzania together with representatives from the Lutheran Church and Roman Catholic Church.

This year there were also more students than ever, with a very large first year class and a smaller class of students who were furthering their studies. We were joined by teachers Meraby Kaimukilwa from Ruhija Music College in Bukoba, and Evangelist Musa Njagamba from Singida.

We would like to thank all those who contributed financially to support this music school. If you are able to support us in the future with this or our other work please contribute on the link above.

Teacher and Mission and Evangelism Co-ordinator, Christine Salaman,
with students
Please pray for this ministry as we continue to develop similar schools in the future and also begin to develop plans for a possible longer term course.

Time of Prayer for students
From 21st -27th April 2014 we will be holding a provincial week of prayer of the Anglican Church of Tanzania. Please pray with us for the work of the church across all 27 dioceses of Tanzania. Pray for God's blessing on projects in development, evangelism, health and in all sectors of the community such as youth, women, children etc.

Pray for God's guidance for the leadership of the church that there may be unity and peace within the church and that the Gospel may be preached in all areas of Tanzania. Pray also for the country of Tanzania and for it's leadership, that the country may be governed with wisdom and that peace will continue.

The whole music school with certificates