Friday, October 21, 2016

Music and Worship School 2016

We praise God that we have successfully completed this year's music and worship school which took place in Dodoma from the 18th September to the 14th October 2016. Singers, musicians and evangelists from all over Tanzania attended from 17 different dioceses of the Anglican Church of Tanzania. Representatives of Pentecostal, Roman Catholic, Moravian and Lutheran Churches also attended.

At the school we taught guitar, piano, singing, music theory, song writing, and church music ministry, together with daily teaching of God's Word and worshipping together.
The course was taught by Evangelist Musa Njagamba, Doglas Mdimu and Christine Salaman, and took place at St. John's University. We are grateful to be able to use the university facilities such as classrooms and dormitories during the university break.

As ever, the course was a great blessing to all who attended, who will return to their churches with new skills and renewed enthusiasm for music ministry, as well as being encouraged and renewed spiritually and equipped to serve God in their ministry. Please pray with us that they will be a blessing to their churches and all those that they serve through their music ministry.

This year we had one very special student, Daudi, who is blind and has a gift and passion for music ministry. He came top in the guitar class and the picture shows him performing in the final party.

Isaac also performed at the party to the amazement of many of the students who could not believe how good he is.

Some of our students have returned for several years now and are now in a position where they can begin to teach others.

This picture shows our 3 teachers from this year, together with Leonard and Godlove who have already begun some teaching.

The second picture shows Edmound who is one of the students who we hope will help with teaching in the future. Here he is helping out in a theory class.

Please also pray for the future of this programme of music training, that God will continue to provide resources, teachers and other personnel to help the programme to continue and develop further.

Please pray for a short course which we will be holding in the town of Kahama in a few weeks time. We hope to equip and encourage another group of music ministers.

Thank you to all those who continue to pray for this ministry and to support us financially - your support is hugely appreciated - God bless you.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Evangelists Semina, Chemba

Rev John Kamoyo teaching
We praise God for the latest in our series of training seminars for evangelists of the Anglican Church of Tanzania. This seminar, which took place in August 2016, was for evangelists of the central zone of Tanzania which includes 5 different dioceses.
All the participants with the Diocesan Secretary

Door to door Evangelism
It was held in the diocese of Kondoa in the village of Chemba which the in key area for evangelism in the diocese.

Around 50 evangelists attended together with other local Christians. In the mornings teaching was given by Rev John Kamoyo and Evangelist Musa Njagamba, and then in the afternoons the evangelists went out to practice what they had learnt.

Rev John Kamoyo and Evangelist Musa Njagamba

For 2 afternoons they went out in groups to carry out door to door evangelism and returned with some wonderful testimonies of people giving their lives to Christ, receiving prayer for healing and committing themselves to return to the church.

For the final 2 afternoons we held an open air mission, and again many people gave their lives to Christ, and were healed physically and spiritually.

The challenge now is for the local church in Chemba to keep the momentum going after this outreach and to disciple these new Christians. Please pray for this continued work in the area.

Each evening Christian films were shown in the church, teaching some powerful messages on important issues. The church was packed for these events.
In general the seminar  was a powerful time of outreach to the local community as well as a huge encouragement to the evangelists who attended, who were well equipped to return to their home churches and continue with God's work with new enthusiasm and ability.

Next week we begin our annual month long training course for musicians and worship leaders. Please pray for this course that it too will be a time of equipping and encouragement both practically and spiritually.
Please continue to pray for all the work of the mission and evangelism department and particularly for God's provision as we look to employ a new member of staff for the department.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mission and Evangelism Co-ordinators Conference 2016

Conference Participants

We praise God for our annual conference of Mission and Evangelism Co-ordinators of the Anglican Church of Tanzania which took place from 17th -21st May 2016.

Rt, Rev Bishop Matthew Mhagama (left)  with other participants
Rt. Rev Bishop James Almasi, Chairman, Mission and
Evangelism Department, ACT
The Anglican Church of Tanzania consists of 27 dioceses and participants  from 17 of these attended the conference, which was a wonderful time of sharing, learning and planning together. We were also blessed to be together with the Chair of the department, Bishop James Almasi from the diocese of Masasi and the assistant chair Bishop Matthew Mgahama from the diocese of South West Tanganyika (Njombe).

Rev John Kamoyo, CCT, Trainer
During the conference training was given on How to carry out evangelism amongst a range of different people in a changing world, and also on Offering and Stewardship from
a biblical perspective. Participants were greatly encouraged and inspired by this teaching.
We were also able to meet together with the General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, Rev Canon Capt. Johnson Chinyon'gole to share and discuss plans for the future of the Mission and Evangelism department.

Please pray for all the diocesan mission and evangelism co-ordinators who work with great passion and commitment in the face of many challenges. Pray for their work in the individual dioceses, preaching God's word and reaching out to local people through missions and seminars, training pastors and evangelists and planting churches.

In June of this year (13-19th June) we will be holding our annual week of prayer and evangelism culminating in a day of offering to enable us to do God's work across Tanzania. Pray for this week that it will be a powerful week of prayer for our church, community and country and that God will bless the Anglican Church of Tanzania.

Please also pray for our continued work as a national department in training evangelists, church leaders and those involved in music ministry, as well as for our plans to establish an Anglican Church Radio station. Pray for the provision of funding and a license for this project.

We thank you for your continued prayers and support in different ways. God bless you

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mission and Evangelism in 2016

We Praise God for all that he enabled us to achieve in 2015 and for bringing us safely into a new year. We have been making plans for activities for 2016 and we ask for your continued prayers as we strive to equip evangelists, and church leaders to reach out to many people with the Gospel. We ask for your prayers for God's provision of funds and resources to enable us to carry out these plans effectively. Some of our planned activities so far are as follows:
16-21st May 2016:
Mission and Evangelism Co-ordinators' conference. Mission and Evangelism Co-ordinators from the 27 dioceses across Tanzania will be coming together to share, learn and encourage one another so that they are better equipped to continue with their work in evangelism in their own dioceses over the coming year.

13-19th June 2016:
Week of Prayer and Evangelism of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, culminating in a day of offering for the Mission and Evangelism department. During this week the Anglican Church across Tanzania will be united in prayer for our church, our communities, our country and the world, and many events such as seminars, prayer vigils and missions will take place. Please pray that God's work will be done during this week

July 2016 (date to be confirmed):
School of Biblical Training in collaboration with Crosslinks UK. This course was delivered last year in the coast and Eastern zone. This year we aim to deliver the course again, this time in the "Lake zone" in the Northern part of Tanzania. Leaders from 6 dioceses will be invited to participate and to improve their preaching skills.

24-29 August 2016:  
Training of  Evangelists of the Central Zone. We have carried out training for lay evangelists in 2 of the 5 zones of Tanzania. This year we plan to continue in the central zone, and if we are able to secure funding we may continue in another zone. The seminar offers training for evangelists, together with practice in the form of door to door evangelism and open air missions. Previously it has been a great success, blessing and equipping many evangelists and also with effective evangelistic work where we have seen many come to Christ and many others healed. Please pray that this event will have similar results

18th September - 14th October 2016:
Music and Worship training School:  This month long programme is aimed at equipping church musicians both in musical skills and spiritually for the ministry to which God has called them. This is the 5th course we have carried out and it is in great demand having blessed many musicians and their churches over the past years. Please pray for a vision for the continuation of this programme in the future.

As well as all this specific events we are continuing with our project to develop an Anglican Church Radio Station, ACT AMANI FM, and we ask for your prayers that this may become a reality this year.

Bible distribution project:
We are also continuing with our project to distribute bibles and other church books and Christian literature so that people all over Tanzania have access to bibles and books easily and at low cost.

Please pray that God equips us and provides for us so that we are able to do his work effectively in 2016. If you are able to help with a donation to support this work please contribute on our just giving page  (Also on the link at the top of this blog)