Wednesday, November 25, 2015

ACT AMANI FM Radio Project

For this year the various seminars we have been carrying out have finished and at the moment our main focus is on the development of our project to establish an Anglican Church of Tanzania radio station ACT AMANI FM. At present ACT does not have any sort of media platform through which to broadcast news and information about the church and its events. It would be of huge benefit to the church.

A radio station would also be a great resource for broadcasting education in a wide range of different issues to help local communities. 
As people will be attracted by such community education programmes there is also the potential for evangelism through programmes teaching the Word and through entertainment programmes from Christian choirs.
In August/September we carried out a feasibility study which primarily involved consultation in local communities. These pictures show the team carrying out this study. We are very grateful to FEBA UK who funded this study and have been very supportive. During the community consultation there was great excitement at the prospect of a new church radio station.

It was also clear that radio is by far the most widely used form of media here in Tanzania, nearly everyone saying they listen to the radio, and large numbers saying they listen every day. People are eager to receive education programmes of high quality and from a Christian perspective as well as news and information and Christian entertainment.

We are now in the process of writing a project proposal for funding for this project as well as applying for a broadcasting and construction license.
Both these processes have many challenges and we appreciate your prayers as we search for potential funders and try to obtain our license. God willing we hope to get ACT AMANI FM up and running in 2016.