Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Mission and Evangelism Coordinators Conference 2017

We praise God for our annual meeting of Mission and Evangelism Coordinators which this year took place from 9th to 13th May. Coordinators from 14 different dioceses attended together with members of the Provincial Mission and Evangelism Committee.
Bishop James Almasi with Mission and Evangelism Coordinator
Christine Salaman

We were also blessed to be together with the Chairman of the department the Rt. Rev. Bishop James Almasi from the dayosisi of Masasi.

The meeting was a great time to share experiences and encourage each other in this important work.

We also had some inspiring and encouraging teaching about "the importance of Music in Evangelism", "the transformation and salvation of our thoughts" and the importance of financial giving in the church.

Visit to Dodoma Cathedral
On the final day participants had the opportunity to explore the city of Dodoma and visit some of the institutions of the Anglican Church of Tanzania which was a worthwhile experience as many had travelled a long way and have had little opportunity to explore the capital.

Farewell to the Mission and Evangelism Coordinator

The meeting also was an opportunity to say farewell to the current Provincial Mission and Evangelism Coordinator, Christine Salaman and to welcome the new part time Coordinator Rev Paul Mahiza.

Teaching from Rev. Dr. William Kopwe
Please pray for Rev Mahiza as he is taking on the huge job of running 2 departments at the Provincial office, and also continue to pray for the resources to enable us to employ a full time coordinator.

Please continue to pray for the Mission and Evangelism coordinators in all 27 dioceses of the Anglican Church of Tanzania, that God will provide all they need to reach out to their communities, preaching and teaching the Word of God. Please pray that despite the changes that are taking place the Mission and Evangelism department and its ministry will continue to grow and thrive.

We are now preparing for the annual week of prayer and evangelism which will take place from 29th May to 4th June. Please pay for the outreach and activities what will take place during this week, and for the day of offering to support the department which will take place on 4th June, which is Pentecost Sunday.

Many thanks for your prayers and support. If you wish to support any of our projects financially please donate on the just giving link above. Thank you

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Evangelism Training in Zanzibar & Radio ACT Amani FM update

Zanzibar Cathedral

We thank God for a successful evangelism course in Zanzibar from 22-27 March 2017.
This seminar was the fourth in a series of seminars training lay evangelists. This one was for the "Coastal and Eastern zone" of the Anglican church of Tanzania and was attended by evangelists from 4 different dioceses (Zanzibar, Morogoro, Mount Kilimanjaro and Kiteto).
The seminar was held in the diocese of Zanzibar which is a challenging place for ministry due to the high percentage of other faiths on the island.

We were well received by the Mission and Evangelism Coordinator and the General Secretary of the Diocese together with their team who worked hard to make sure the seminar went smoothly.

In total 53 evangelists and pastors attended. The aim was to give them teaching and enable them to discuss issues which affect them so that they can be equipped and encouraged in their ministry.

The seminar was a great encouragement and blessing to all who attended, particularly to those evangelists from Zanzibar itself of which there were many.

Rev John Kamoyo
Rev Canon David Haji

Teaching was given by Rev Canon David Haj, Rev John Kamoyo and Cat. Musa Njagamba, all of whom are inspiring teachers and preachers.

Prayer Ministry with Musa Njagamba
Leading Worship in Zanzibar Cathedral

On the last day, which was Sunday, evangelists divided into groups and went to minister in 8 different churches around the island, preaching and offering prayer ministry. Many returned with testimony of people giving their lives to Christ and others receiving prayer for healing of sickness and evil spirits. In the evening we held a large outreach event in the cathedral to preach the Word of God to all and to pray for the sick and those who were searching for Jesus.

People making a commitment to Christ

Despite the challenges of ministering in  a difficult environment we saw God at work and many blessed by Him, healed by Him and saved by Him.

We continue to pray for all the evangelists who attended that they will continue in His service with renewed strength, enthusiasm and commitment. We particularly pray for those in Zanzibar that God will lift them up in their ministry.

The ACT Amani FM radio project is at last seeing some development. We finally were invited for interview with TCRA (the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority) and this interview/presentation of our project took place on 30th March. We praise God that it went well and the board were very encouraging. The project still has to pass through a few more stages before a license can be granted but please pray that this process will continue to be successful.
We are now trying to raise funds as when we receive our license we will need to start the building process immediately. We praise God that we have been promised help with purchasing the studio equipment from an organisation in the USA, and we have launched a fundraising campaign around the churches here in Tanzania to try to raise money for the building and initial running costs. Any contributions or advice would be welcome.

We thank you for your continued prayers and support for our work.

With many blessings


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Plans for 2017

We thank God that we have begun a new year and plans for Mission and Evangelism in the Anglican Church of Tanzania in 2017 are coming together.

The following are some of the programmes which will be taking place this year and we ask for your prayers for this work, that we can continue to spread God's word in Tanzania and to encourage and equip his servants.

March 22nd-27th     

Seminar for Evangelists of the Coastal and Eastern Zone, Zanzibar
May 9th - 13th         

Mission and Evangelism Coordinators Conference

May 29th - June 4th 
Week of Prayer and Evangelism for the Anglican Church of Tanzania

June 4th                    
Day of Offering for the Mission and Evangelism Department and its work

Sept 11th - Oct 6th

School of Church Music

We are also progressing with our project to develop an Anglican Church Radio Station. We have successfully passed the early stages of application for a license and value your prayers as we proceed with the next stage. We are also searching for funds to make this project a reality. We would be grateful for your help or possible suggestions of organisations who may be able to support us. 

This year Christine Salaman, the Mission and Evangelism Coordinator will return to the UK (July 2017). We are therefore trying to raise funds to employ a new Coordinator which is vital to keep this work going. If you would like to help with this please contact Christine Salaman. It only costs around £6000 to employ a Coordinator for a year.

God Bless you in 2017